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How to create hyperlinks between cells in an Excel spreadsheet


Your application requires cells to contain hyperlinks to other cells in the same spreadsheet, but the Cell.CreateHyperlink function only makes links to URLs on the internet. This article discusses a workaround using Excel's HYPERLINK function.


Workbook colors are not displayed as expected in older versions of Excel



Excel's color palette explained



How to display all selected values for an SSRS multi-select parameter in an Excel report

It is very common when designing reports that you may need to define a multi-select report parameter in order to give the users some filter options and generate the report based on the user-selected values. You may also want to display those selected values on the Excel report.


Jason Thomas Reviews OfficeWriter 8's SSRS Integration


Exporting SQL Server Database Data to Excel


The need to get business data from a SQL Server database (or any other kind of RDBMS for that matter) into Excel for further analysis is universal. I would venture to say that anyone in any business role from marketer to analyst to salesperson to executive to program manager has had the occasion to say: "I need this data in Excel so that I can crunch it!"


Adding Headers to a Grouped Spreadsheet


In previous blog posts, I showed how José and Jillian, salespersons with PostOne Bicycles, used the new %%group marker to group and nest hierarchical data from a flat data set. In this tutorial, they will expand upon the concept by introducing headers to help separate each group, using the %%value() marker to show data values in headers and the (hide) modifier to hide data that is already shown in a header.


Using Side-by-Side Data Markers in ExcelWriter, Part 3


Using ExcelTemplate: Grouping and Nesting on Multiple Columns

Starting in version 7.1 of ExcelWriter, you can use grouping and nesting markers to display flat data in a grouped and nested format using the ExcelTemplate object and a OOXML (.xlsx) template.



Using ExcelTemplate: Grouping

Starting in version 7.1 of ExcelWriter, you can use grouping and nesting markers to display flat data in a grouped and nested format using the ExcelTemplate object and a OOXML (.xlsx) template.
